
Our minds are sacred places, we have to filter anything that we intend to accommodate or else we accommodate a sort of soot that piles up and lodges in our minds. Once it is embedded, we start to fall apart. I wanna talk about one of the habits that can demolish the sanctity of our minds bodies.

This can happen to any of us. Personally, I restrict how much exposure I have to social media in my life. About two months ago, my cousins came for a sleepover at ours. It was really nice having them over considering we had close to no relationship prior to that sleepover. I wasn’t surprised when she said that she didn’t like me before that lol. Anyway, we shared many memories and experiences. My cousin has multitudinous followers on all social media platforms, Twitter especially.

Seeing her with all these followers corrupted my mind. I have read a number of books, heard a couple of podcasts and meditation sessions concerning social media and how it can deprave our minds of their sanctity, but I lost myself after seeing her followers. I started commenting and liking accounts of users who basically advertise your page so that people may follow you. I did this for about 3 days and then one of my friends mentioned it. and when I told him that I was doing it because I wanted more followers, he gave me a very simple and sharp answer, “Just post funny shit” lol. It was at this point when I realized that I was straining myself to get followed by people who I didn’t know and added no value to my life. Luckily I was still able to w/draw myself from this vile act before it was too late. I know that it was going to turn into a habit soon cause I’d spend more than 30 minutes looking for such accounts to get advertised like a second hand car lol.

Social media will prey on your sanctity. I have a couple of friends who face various mental challenges. One thing we never realize is that social media is one of the most effective causes of mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety and so on. I know a person who has scrambled to win the fight against anorexia nervosa for a couple of years. One day we were talking and when I asked her about why she had an obsession over what she eats or gaining any weight, she told me that she felt bad when she looked at herself in the mirror and then saw some famous model posing in a bikini looking impeccable a few swipes later.

It is futile to obsess over what car your friend has posted, or how this person looks in a bikini. Be happy with who you are, and if you aren’t then work towards improving who you are. This cannot be done by eating an apple a day and starving yourself or having 2,000 fake followers so that you can feel like you fit in. We should all take care of our minds, bodies and spirit, however social media isn’t all bad. It’s also pretty hilarious and can be used for many other beneficial purposes. However, know your limit or at least how to overcome habits that will deprive you of your happiness and tranquility.

To accomplish immeasurable happiness, you must be happy with your body, spirit and mind and to achieve this you should be able to have your mind in an extraordinarily quiet and still state. Therefore, meditate, surround yourself with positive energy and listen to or read material that helps you achieve the happiness you deserve. Just like rain easily breaks into a house with a bad roof, desire, depression and other disorders easily break into a mind that isn’t complete.

Meditation is a vital way to purify and quiet the mind, thus rejuvenating the body. Love, especially self-love, is a natural source of sacred energy.

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