
We all know what masks are, essentially created for different reasons. They’re worn on the face for different reasons such as during heists, by wrestlers such as Rey Mystery, Kane and so on, in movies such as Black Panther and in music videos such as songs by  Marshmello, and many other performances. They were even used by the plague doctors who treated the victims of the bubonic plague.   

Ultimately, all masks despite the color, design, era or purpose have their purpose linked to concealing one’s identity. I mean, Clark Kent wore a mask to protect Lois and many other people. There’s many other examples but that’s not what I’m here to talk about today. 

Civilisation today wears masks to hide the true figure that is hurting, scarred, disfigured, defaced and sullied. Society has consumed us to the point that we have to hide our true feelings and faces from the people we consider as those “we cannot live without.” LE SIGH!

We wake up shattered and fractured only to stare into a shiny mirror where we see a reflection of the mask of that day. Once the mask is on, we laugh at the “fools” who are brave enough to allow to be seen. A FUCKING MASQUERADE. Modern society is a biological disaster masquerading as progress.

Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.

When you’re alone and the mask is useless, or you’re exhausted from the lack of connection and make-believe, you be yourself. Sad, weak, broken, regretful, unwanted, mournful and wretched, you relate with the “fool” who is even stronger than you since he or she was able to love who he or she really is. 

Live YOUR life. Life doesn’t always make sense. But you have to look inside yourself, stop focusing on the negative and carrying it around. Drop it and look at what is in front of you, because that’s where the positive and contentment are waiting for you. You are enough, you are beautiful, you are gifted. You are made perfectly in the image of a higher place. 

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