Close to Love.

Up to a few hours back, I didn’t have a topic to write about. Sometimes I feel like I’ve written about everything…I mean of course I can perfect what I’ve written or add detail to the topics I have written on but sometimes I feel like there are areas out there that some of you guys want me to grapple with. So I decided to ask a few of my friends, who are also my true-blue readers, and out of the various suggestions one caught my attention. I realized that in all my previous blogs, none of them is about this topic. The topic I picked to write about is one that all of us have. For each of us, it takes up a different image; for instance the effigy of our parents and siblings, for some of us it appears in the likeness of our teammates, classmates, fellowship members, friends and so on.

I do not want to limit my post to the point of view whereby my topic is simply a ménage. However, I will start with this angle. I happened to witness something that I would consider diabolical, or even atrocious, among one of my friends today. He was happily engaged in a conversation with his father over the phone call. Like this isn’t shocking enough, it was a lengthy one. There’s this girl, sorry lady, in my life…very good friend of mine. Presumably, the best. Her sister and herself fight a lot, however I will view a Snap of the two of them walking together the morning after an enormous clash smiling to each other sipping on delicious caffè mochas. This greatly disturbs my understanding, so explain this “thing” to me after you’ve read this post. Once or twice a month LOL, I am struck with the thought of how my siblings are fairing. Sometimes I contact them.

Have you ever had to share almost everything with someone or people who aren’t related to you by blood? Well if not, I happen to know a couple of people who do this. No, I am not going to write about people in love today ha ha. The first example that I will put down, perhaps the most ardent is, the love we receive or received from God and Jesus. You’re probably questioning my knowledge. Yes, I know that we all are created from God but this example helps extensively in bringing out my point. In the Bible, we read about different scenarios where Jesus shows a great deal of love to people who He does not know. In Matthew 14:13-21, Jesus feeds Five thousand people that He did not know.  Galatians 6:2 also shows what Jesus, the only son of God, cared and loved us. He carried the cross i order for our sins to be forgiven.

Let me ask you a question, if your answer is a no then “Oh boy!” I’m joking. Have you ever had a Religious fellowship or cell? I have, and at these, members are more than just a couple of people who want to praise or worship and move onto the next event. At these fellowships, the members are one. They love, perceive and care for each other like they grew up together. For example, my family hosts a large number of people for cell on Thursday evenings. Okay the number isn’t that big, the members are about 15-20. However, after the praise, worship and prayers many more activities take place. For example, a sumptuous repast which is accompanied by a great deal of laughter and chatter. Throughout years, this cell or fellowship has grown changing the different relationships that people have to the point that different titles such as brother, sister and so on have been given out to these people that do not share blood. Further still, these people can rely on each other for all sorts of support. 

Are you involved in any sort of sports team, school club or any sort of fraternity? Personally, I am not. Oh wait, I have a drinking frat. In my batch, we’re more than a couple of men that meet to drink…we’re a brotherhood. I have a friend that plays soccer. Obviously he is in a team. One would expect these boys to simply play soccer and then go their separate ways. Shockingly, after each match they go and eat something together. They are passed the stage of simply sharing a football team name…they are a wolf pack now. Another example, I hope it is legal to include such people in blogs, is renown actor Dwayne Johnson. He shares an incredible friendship with fellow actor Kevin Hart. From ‘Central Intelligence,’ the two actors are now more than co-workers. 

However undermined, family is one of the most important type of group, patch or club we can be part of. Sometimes our family isn’t of blood but the mere fact that you, I or we have that person or people who are willing to give it all up for us, we have a family. There are a couple of celebrities coming to town today and they’ve got most of my friends ecstatic. However, instead of attending this show, I am going to meet a friend, along with her baby sister, and we watch a Christmas play. 

I recently met this amazing girl but the condition in which I was the day when we met was rather bevvied so we decided to meet under better conditions. Anyway, as we watched an incredible movie, Christmas came up. It was the main topic of the movie. I asked myself whether I was excited for Christmas. Christmas is the period when everyone gets excited, but not me. I mean, it is nice and all but I always feel like there’s a huge piece missing. I feel like if I could choose who to spend Christmas with, and I did…then even I would be that excited. I would choose my “non-blood” family. 

All happy families are alike, however each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. Sometimes we fight with our family members, and sometimes it lasts forever. However, the love will always stand. When shit goes to hell, the people who stand by you or run to you without flinching, those are the people you call family. In the case of unhappy families, God will always provide an alternative as a means of apologizing



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