The Accurate Achilles Heel.

I guess I hadn’t written a prose piece in a while.A friend even asked me whether I was only writing poems these days. Well no, it’s just that I feel some type of way when I write a poem LOL. I decided to change the day on which I post to Sunday because the energy behind most of my pieces is like a positive or good vibe. There’s no day that gives such energy as well as Sunday does. I hope you enjoy this post.

Have you ever asked yourself whether, or not it is good to be attached to someone? Well, lucky for you I have a profound perspicacity via this specific topic. You know that common saying, “Procrastination will be the end of me?” I have heard or read this in many articles or from many people. Regardless, this isn’t the case with me…I know so because I believe that I have already met my end. And it’s a sequel of AFFECTION.

About two years back, amidst a conversation with my friends, we saw a girl of about 10 years sitting alone listening to music on her iPad. She was a beautiful girl and because of this I assume, we started chatting to her. Honestly saying/writing, she is one of the bravest females I have shared a conversation with. I remember her having the audacity to tell me to shut up! I immediately ceased the conversation and figured that “she was just a young foolish girl.” About a year went by without me thinking or seeing this child, little did I know though. She returned to my school some evening and we exchanged a few words. Worse still, her and my brother were in the same school so I started to see her often. I mean we got too close I would buy her food and chocolate when I was going to visit my brother. Eventually, our friendship escalated to the point whereby I had a picture of her in my phone. I hadn’t felt my one foible triumph yet.

I bet you’re wondering…why would you get close to a 10 year-old. Recently, this girl was about to finish her primary level education so I wanted to see her. It was a clement but cloudy Monday morning when I returned my brother to his school. I specifically made it clear that I wanted to see her and wish her good luck in her exams. I did not see her! With a black hole inside my chest, I left. About a week later, I had to attend to my brother’s emergency. He needed Pringles. As soon as I handed him the BBQ Pringles accompanied with a fist bump, I left to look for her. I sent for her and as soon as she saw me from her classroom door, she ran to me and hugged me. I know now that then might have been the last time I see her in years.

6 years back I chummed up with an intelligent young and gorgeous girl. I say girl because we were so young then. She believed that a girl and a boy could not be best friends…boy was she wrong. About 3 years back, I met one of the loveliest ladies I have spoken to in my life. Like all normal conversations, I asked for her name. One of her names sounded so funny I laughed out loud. At this very moment I realized that I had ruined any shot at a friendship with her! The upshot of my reaction to her name was rather confusing, she laughed a long. In the same year, I met the only creature who I feel like I have ‘vibed’ with in my life. As soon as I lay my eyes on her, blue sweatpants and rubber shoes LOL, I knew that her and I were destined to share a life forever. So I got to speak to her. Before these two females, I met my hopeless chum… During our first conversation, she deducted that I talked a lot. Quite accurate. These creatures turned out to be my best friends.

The doings of Attachment should be synonymous with selflessness. I feel like when you get attached to someone, you wish the best for them even when it isn’t what you want. It is because of this that I vowed never to get attached to another soul. The “burdens” I had were enough. This worked for so many years, well until a few months back when in the absence of my amazing women I met another interesting lady. For this one I totally didn’t forecast or anticipate. I mean we had spoken like once or twice but for not longer than a minute. One day, as we walked to a bar, we conversed. I got this feeling at the moment, I felt like I could trust her. I felt like, she could be my genuine friend. I told her a couple of things about myself and just like that we became very close.

I am attached to all these people, honestly speaking I feel like it is a curse to care for them almost as much as I care for myself…or more!  However, can you think of a life where you care for no one but yourself? That’s sad. I asked a couple of people for their view on attachment. The median response was, “How do I know that I am attached to someone?” Well this is how I knew… For starters, when you’re drunk, baked or at the most chilled state in your life, who do you think of? That is the person to whom you are attached. Personally, I think of my best friends. For example, today I had a couple of drinks and whilst in the shower, I just thought of how my best friends were either sleeping or doing something else.

Do you have that one person that you always want to talk to? For instance right now I want to talk to her…in fact let me ask her whether she is free. Anyway, if there’s that person you always want to talk (even if they are busy most of the time) you are most probably attached. Recently I was talking to Belle and she said that I do not trust her because, for instance, when she tells me that she will call me on a certain day I do not believe her. Can you blame me though, we tested this assumption this very week. She said that she’d call me back in 4 minutes but she called in 5. If just this isn’t a manifestation of attachment then I do not know what is, Have you ever woken up to pee and then you end up talking to someone? Like that isn’t enough, you also tell the person why you’re up? My piggy told me this today.

Anyway, it might not seem like it but I still believe that getting attached to someone or something is a real Achilles heel…it has its perks such as lively recollections, but you also go through some really hard shit! For instance, when they decide to leave.

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